Where do You think Highest Rent in the Country is?

At $445.00 a month for a one bedroom apartment, Willow Creek Crossing Apartments here in Fort Wayne, IN, is $786 a month below the national average of about $1,231 per month.
In general, Midwestern towns like Fort Wayne have lower than average rents, so, it may be hard to believe that the US town with the highest priced one bedroom apartments isn’t in New York or San Francisco, but Williston, North Dakota, population 18,532 according to the US Census, but closer to 30,000 if you ask the locals. Located a few miles South of Canada, and a few miles East of Montana, Williston is in the center of America’s oil boom. There are good paying jobs there, and plenty of people moving in to take them. The only problem? Not enough apartments to fill the demand, so the rent goes up.
How far up?
How about $2,400 a month.
That’s’ almost $2,000 a month more than Willow Creek Crossing, but without the two swimming pools and fitness center.
It’s also a lot higher than New York where a one bedroom apartment goes for about $1,500 a month, or LA where it the rent will set you back over $1,400 a month, or Boston where a typical one bedroom runs $1,537 a month.
Paying the rent isn’t fun, but at least you have a great apartment, with lots of amenities, at a price well below what most of America is paying. And it’s a terrific bargain compared to Williston ND.
Stats provided by Apartments dot com.