first day of summer 2015

Summer in the Fort

first day of summer 2015

We’ve had some warm weather, some NOT so warm, and LOTS of rain…. But no matter the weather, Summer 2015 officially starts today, June 21st. And, since it’s also Father’s Day, how about some quintessential summer activities for you and dad to ring in the day!

The summer solstice also happens to fall on June 21st this year (it varies each year between June 20th through 22nd). Often referred to as “the longest day of the year” because, for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the sun is visible in the sky for longer than any other day of the year. Technically, what is occurring is that the sun’s zenith is has reached its northernmost point; i.e. the North Pole is tilted directly towards the sun at about 23.5 degrees. In Latin solstice means “sun stopping” and has been celebrated for centuries. In fact, Stonehenge was erected around 2500 BCE and it is believed it was constructed as a type of calendar to mark the occurrence of the solstice each year. Cultures all over the world mark this day with celebrations of the fertility of the Earth — might be a good day to plan a dinner party or BBQ based on all of your finds from the local farmer’s market!

Enjoy the start of Summer!