how to be a good neighbor

how to be a good neighbor

Just Bein’ Neighborly

Today, September 28, 2015 is National Good Neighbor Day, a day that started back in 1970 as a way to recognize good neighbors who make communities great. At Willow Creek Crossing Apartments in Fort Wayne, we think we have pretty great neighbors! But, like most things in life, there’s always room for improvement. Today, and every day, give a little thought to being a good neighbor. It will improve your day-to-day life — and those around you, too!

So, what makes a good neighbor? Nextdoor, the private social network for neighborhoods says that the following five traits make a good neighbor:

  • Being respectful of personal space or boundaries
  • Being friendly or sociable
  • Offering to help others when needed
  • Taking good care of their property
  • Willing to help other neighbors during a crises

Here are some ways that you too can be a good neighbor!

Common Courtesies

(Yes, they seem obvious — but it can’t hurt to read a reminder, can it?)

  • introduce yourself when you first meet someone and continue to say hello when your paths cross
  • keep in mind shared walls — try to keep loud activities away from them
  • if you’re hosting a gathering, try to keep the noise to a minimum
  • keep your outdoor or shared space clean
  • keep your pets quiet and in control — and clean up after them!
  • follow parking rules and make sure any visitors do as well
  • respect your neighbors space and privacy
  • be tolerant and understanding


Sometimes a situation may arise that requires more than a quick hello. Politely and calmly discuss any concerns that come up with your neighbors as soon as the issue arises. Don’t let it escalate. But also don’t hesitate to involve apartment management if it’s an issue that cannot reasonably be worked out between the two of you.

Of course, there are opportunities for more positive conversations as well… read on!

Help and maybe even Socializing

Ask for assistance when you need it, with little things like:

  • borrowing a tool, a corkscrew, or an ingredient for a recipe
  • carrying in a bulky item from your car
  • taking in mail, newspaper or leaflets from the door if your neighbor will be out of town for a few days

And be willing to return the favor! If further conversation develops, you may find that you have a new workout buddy, sport-watching pal, or babysitter. Bonus!

It’s not too difficult to do these little things. They make you feel good and brighten your neighbor’s day. We are all about a good quality of life here at Willow Creek Crossing Apartments — and we’re glad you are a part of our community!